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Camera Movement:
WASD and Mouse Wheel on click to move
Mouse Wheel to zoom in and zoom out
Right Click to rotate
Shift to speed up the camera movement
F to center camera in selected game object


  • Quit: to quit the application

  • Open FBX : To Open any of the 3 fbx we have as samples.

  • Open Scene: To Open any scene previously saved.

  • Save Scene: To save the actual scene.


  • Style Editor : Opens up the style editor of the engine


  • Configuration: Window that shows data about the engine and has some basic configurations for the user.

  • Hierarchy: Shows all the GameObjects that are currently on the scene.

  • Game: This window shows the 3D representation of the scene.

  • Console: Shows basic logs of things happening on the engine.

  • Inspector: Shows information and components of the selected GameObject.

  • Assets: Shows available assets to import.


  • 3D Objects: Here the user will be able to create some basic 3D shapes such as cubes, spheres, cones, etc.


  • Show Demo: Creates a popup window with a demo of the ImGui library.

  • Documentation: Redirects you to the GitHub documentation of the engine.

  • Download latest: Redirects you to the GitHub page with the latest release of the engine.

  • Report a bug: Redirects you to the GitHub page to report an active bug of the engine.

  • About: Creates a pop up window with some information about the engine and its creators.

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